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dom, 12 may


The Hive

Mothering Energy Breathwork

Many of us have strained relationships with our mothers, some of us don't have mothers around at all, and many of us give until there is nearly nothing left. Using a special playlist (focusing on the mother energy), guided meditation, special essential oils, and specific breath coaching, Michele...

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Mothering Energy Breathwork
Mothering Energy Breathwork

Time & Location

12 may 2019, 18:30 – 19:30

The Hive, 2611 Alpine Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544, USA

About The Event

...will guide us in embracing universal mother energy.

Breathwork is an active breathing method accompanied by special music, oils, sounds, and coaching that can help you: process and release strong emotions like anger, grief, guilt, and fear; reprogram limiting beliefs; improve energy levels; relieve stress, anxiety, and depression; connect with the inner wisdom of your higher self; and deepen your spiritual connection. This modality helps everyone--including those with PTSD, addiction, anxiety, and other barriers to being emotionally, psychologically, and physically well.


1) Wear comfortable clothes that don't restrict your breathing (avoid belts, constricting bras, etc.)

2) Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, pillow, eye pillow/blindfold (or towel/handkerchief), and water bottle. Pro tip: some people bring a sleeping bag and pillow if they don't have a yoga mat!

3) We lock the door at 4:15, so please arrive at least 10 minutes early to set up your space, sign a waiver (if you haven't already).

4 )No heavy meal for two hours prior.

5) Contraindications: pregnant, severe asthma, severe heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy/history of seizures, acute physical injuries, severe diabetes


The breathing style utilizes very ACTIVE pranayama rhythmic 2-part breath as a catalyst to excavate blocked energy and unprocessed emotions from the body's nervous system, bypassing the analytical brain to efficiently restore a healthy state of balance, creativity, joy, hope, inspiration and abundance! An all-encompassing recharge of body, mind and spirit, this practice is a profoundly effective method for letting go of all that hinders your journey.

Michele Lussky is a Creativity Coach and BreathWork Meditation facilitator with Level 3 training from David Elliott, master BreathWork healer based in Los Angeles and New Mexico. Michele's personal transformational experience with this type of healing and awakening came when she attended sessions with our beloved former Shamama facilitator, Dawn Andersen, (who moved back to LA). This created a strong desire to share the practice with her clients who grapple with creative blocks, childhood trauma, low-confidence, and emotional imbalances.

Every session is unique as Michele uses her intuition and spirit to guide her in the healing practice that is best suited for that group--and that moment. She might break out her rattle, drum, rocks, singing bowls, or gong. She may also use the power of touch and chanting depending on how the spirit moves her.

Shamama is inclusive to all regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, weight, beliefs, and age. Namaste!

For more information about breathwork go to:

Learn more about breathwork here.


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